Stewart platform project

Shop Forum Stewart/Gough Platforms Stewart platform project

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    Hi. I have no background in robots/engineering, so forgive my nativity. I need a Stewart platform for a machine learning project I’m working on, in order to generate training data. We need the platform to simulate the small motions of a human arm holding a camera that’s focused on an object. So small deviations from a canonical pose with 6DoF. The goal is to stick a camera to the platform and jiggle it about randomly, for several hours at a time.

    The Marginally Clever Stewart platform V2 looks perfect for this application. I just had a couple of questions before I commit to buying.

    Will it be possible for me to program very slow, smooth, gradual movements? Typically people holding cameras don’t jerk their hands about very aggressively. Just a trajectory of smooth random perturbations.

    This is not a deal-breaker but – can the machine be mounted on its side, like clamped to a wall or something?

    Many thanks and congratulations on creating such an impressive little machine!


    The speed can be adjusted with gcode commands.

    G0 X1 F50

    means “go absolute X+1cm from the home position at a speed of 50.”

    G0 X0 F100

    would then return to the origin at twice the speed.

    the commands can be written to a file and repeated as many times as you like.

    I have not heard of anyone attempting to mount it sideways. I wouldn’t recommend it.
    It’s an inspiring idea. I’d have to tweak the design to make that possible.

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