Stewart platform for school

Shop Forum Stewart/Gough Platforms Stewart platform for school

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    Hi. I am a aviation student from Estonia and I am trying to build a flight simulator model for my school paste on Stewart platform.

    But im stuck at getting a proper software going that send info to my Arduino..

    I downloaded the RotaryStewartPlatform2 from the website and there was a program called RobotTrainer…

    I selected the right connection from the list, but I dont manage to move the platform. Or is it suppose to move it relatively to the visual platform??

    I also dont understand what the action menu does… The options are all grey.

    There was also a Java program,but I dont know nothing about Java… Is it related with the RobotTrainer or is it a totally different program?

    I use an Arduino UNO and 6 digital servos.

    Can anyone please help me to understand these programs?


    rotary stewart platform 2 code only works with stepper motors and the RUMBA control board. it will not work for an UNO and digital servos.

    Robot Overlord stewart platform must first connect to a live robot, then “find home”, then other buttons will be active.

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