Makelangelo update #44

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Makelangelo update #44

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  • #5996

    – changed default servo angle to match m2.5 & m3
    – added timeout check
    – added SPI.h include (thanks, pkm!)
    – fixed BADCHECKSUM (when checksum=13 misinterpreted as line ending)
    – fixed weird movement on drawing start (uninitialized tool offsets)
    – fixed GetNewRobotUID() (was failing because of new SSL cert)

    NOTE: if your machine has been saying “Makelangelo #0 connected” before now… write down your settings! They will go kaboom when the machine number is finally set.


    Great! Now that works! Thanks!!!
    I just felt that it was somehow connected to the line breaks!
    Now no more stalls! Also no exceptions thrown in the system command prompt window.
    And the log actually looks better

    But now we have no line breaks in drawbot initial report. That’s very small, though )

    I see SPI.h only(?) in ams1 but rumba also needs it.

    And may I suggest (at least an option) to move log window above/below etch-a-sketch controls to have full height picture preview? Something like repetier host layout. Good for wide monitors, and they’re all wide now…


    Trying it now. Seems a lot cleaner on the output window.


    @i-make-robots wrote:


    So they get IDs from your site?
    Mine got #613 and #615, I was expecting something like #1 and #2 🙂


    #614 here 🙂 It worked! 100% completed no problems.


    Yeah. The first time you turn on a new machine it should phone home once. I get a count of how many exist that way. Built a map with pins based on IP addresses. Apparently someone in the Canary islands build a Makelangelo. So remote!

    …I can imagine why you’d think that. I suck at promoting my kits. Good products poorly marketed. Write to MakerShed and tell them they should list ’em! 🙂

    About the line breaks: It was breaking after every pause in the data received from the arduino. I figured out how to display the message after it has been…reconstituted. somehow that’s blowing up the help message at the start. I’ll look into it.


    You mean they keep IDs after firmware update? This is great!

    I expected #1 and #2 because I got this idea wrong at first. I thought it would be some local numbers of those connected to my PC. But you did it the global way


    humm it doesn’t seem to want to save my machine settings for Machine H and W and Paper H and W and pully width


    Just checked in #45, it alters the layout as pkm suggested.

    Machine ID is stored in the Arduino EEPROM, which is like 256 bytes of flash drive.
    You can only write to it a few thousand times, so don’t try to store clock data like I once did. Whoops.

    actruncale – what do you mean? You got a machine number and now the PC software doesn’t save your settings?


    @i-make-robots wrote:

    Just checked in #45, it alters the layout as pkm suggested.

    Thank you! Looks much better to me! And even more convenient.

    It actually stores machine settings, I altered them in the previous version and voila they’re here 🙂
    Very useful!


    Here’s an interesting thing. I installed both java32 and java64 on Win64. When I try to run from windows explorer, start32 won’t work, and start64 starts the program. And it’s vise versa when I run them from Total Commander, start32 works.

    But it’s worse when only java32 is installed on Win64. Then it runs only from Total Commander, but not everyone has it or can guess to run from it. I even might remember that I had downloaded your software before and just could not start it 🙂

    I guess this is because Explorer is 64bit app, and Tcmd is 32bit. So the system reports corresponding java paths to them.


    Huh. Well… starting java apps is a real weakness with me. I asked around and the java people said use a webstart system, which involves creating all these packages with hand-coded stuff – and I just stopped right there. too much BS.

    I really would love a system that minecraft easy to get started, right? But I don’t know how to make that happen.


    I just looked at it. Here’s new start32.bat file, please check on Windows 32bit. Works for me on Windows 64bit 🙂

    :: special thanks to
    @echo off
    :: get the current java version


    IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (GOTO 64bit) ELSE (GOTO 32bit)


    FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeJavaSoftJava Runtime Environment" /v CurrentVersion') DO set CurVer=%%B

    FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeJavaSoftJava Runtime Environment%CurVer%" /v JavaHome') DO set JAVA_HOME=%%B

    GOTO endos


    FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLMSoftwareJavaSoftJava Runtime Environment" /v CurrentVersion') DO set CurVer=%%B

    FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLMSoftwareJavaSoftJava Runtime Environment%CurVer%" /v JavaHome') DO set JAVA_HOME=%%B


    if defined JAVA_HOME (
    @echo The current Java runtime is %CurVer%
    ) else (
    @echo Java not found.
    goto end

    "%JAVA_HOME%binjava.exe" -classpath RXTXcomm.jar -Djava.library.path=32 -jar Makelangelo.jar


    Please note that I also moved @pause so that the command prompt window does not remain after the software is closed (it was pretty annoying).


    About the Makelangelo map. I bet everyone would love to see it. Can you put it somewhere on your website?


    My settings don’t save. I put in these settings:

    and when I go back to machine settings I see this:


    actruncale – just to be clear…

    – you connect to the machine
    – confirm title says “makelangelo # (not zero)”
    – change settings & save
    – disconnect and quit
    – start again and connect
    – open settings
    – values wrong



    @i-make-robots wrote:

    actruncale – just to be clear…

    – you connect to the machine
    – confirm title says “makelangelo # (not zero)”
    – change settings & save
    – disconnect and quit
    – start again and connect
    – open settings
    – values wrong




    M3, correct? I’ll try and reproduce the results here.


    I do some testing from time to time, got two days before my ams1 shield arrives.
    Some results and notes:

    I enter HELP to the command line and push Enter – no answer from the robot.
    CONFIG works though.
    Also Send button won’t work, but Enter does.

    Looks like X and Y buttons mixed on the jog panel.
    You could arrange them Repetier style, now there’s enough height available.

    I see that for some reason machine returns X and Y in cm instead of entered mm in G-code. A bit confusing.


    M3 correct. Where are the settings being stored? Where do the default settings of 600 600 150 170 get put in the machine, JAVA or DRIVER file?

    Is there a way to store the settings as a text file or somewhere locally (if this isn’t done already)?


    I’ll look into making the buttons work.

    What happens if you change your settings to say, 500×500? I’m trying to figure out if it’s a rounding error or a saving error.

    the settings are stored in java preferences, which varies depending on your OS. If someone could add an export/import feature, that would be nice. Sometimes I wonder if people would like to back up their configurations in the cloud.

    Only the GUID is written to the arduino, the rest of the config data is stored on pc. I think “HELP;” has been replaced with M100? I’ll have to check. So much to do!


    @i-make-robots wrote:

    I think “HELP;” has been replaced with M100? I’ll have to check. So much to do!

    Oh, it’s really M100


    I wonder how the settings are read from the board. Because what I see after connection established is the command to the board to update its configuration, i.e.:

    CONFIG T30.0 B-30.0 L-40.0 R40.0 I1 J-1
    D01 L3.0 R3.0
    G92 X0 Y0 Z0

    and the response
    -40.00,30.00 – 40.00,-30.00

    Looks like the settings are read and then stored to eeprom on every connection?


    They aren’t stored on the board. I kept moving my machine to different boards and i didn’t want to fry the eeprom.
    They’re stored in java prefs and then sent via CONFIG every time you connect AND every time you start a drawing.

    For legacy reasons the firmware run in cm. The java software does everything in mm.

    if the config values are not your settings * 10 then that could point to a source of the problem.


    So moving to a new PC is losing the settings? Then cloud it is

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