Makelangelo GUI / GcodeSender

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    I’ve slapped an AFshield (V1) on an arduino and loaded the firmware.
    When i connect with arduino’s serial monitor @57600 baud then i get the HELLO WORLD! I AM DRAWBOT #0 message etc.

    so that all seems to be OK

    Then i tried MakelangeloGUI, and found out that it is only for Windows / OSX. And I’m using *UX (Debian)
    I tried running the JAR anyway and it loads. only the COM port isn’t detected..

    Then i looked around some more and discovered GcodeSender, though that one also doesn’t detect the UNO.
    Do i need to install something else, so that Java can communicate with Serial?

    these are my first attempts.


    Very likely the RXTX serial library in the app isn’t the right one for debian.

    Joseph Cottam refactored the codebase so that it would be easier for other people to download and start hacking. Unfortunately I was out of my depth and couldn’t get it to happen on my copy, so I haven’t included his mod in the main branch on github.

    I’d love to get this working so more people can contribute. Anyone?

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