makelangelo 5 home set up

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot makelangelo 5 home set up

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  • #28980
    Mike John


    how can I change the home set up? Mine is far to deep and I can’t change the marker of the home to the up anymore. Also, the “set home” button in the software doesn’t get activate.

    Please advice how to change the home.



    There are two reasons buttons will not activate.

    1. the robot has not reported to the software that it is a makelangelo 5. (“Hello world, I am polargraph #nnn”)

    2. the robot has said it is a makelangelo 1 or 2 or some other version that does not have homing ability.

    In the current softare there is only one home position, “deep” at the bottom. this is where the weights touch the switches.

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