Improvement on GcodeCNCDemo4axisV2

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  • #6132

    Hi to all,
    I’ve been reading the source code of GcodeCNCDemo4AxisV2.ino because I’m developing
    a CNC foam cutter based on Arduino Nano.
    I’ve found that (sorry if I’m wrong) you can make more accurate the function line(), changing
    the line:

    if(a[j].over >= maxsteps) by
    if(a[j].over >= 0.5*maxsteps)

    Thus, the axis j will increment after pass the 0.5 and no the 1.
    I’ve ported the code and I’ve tested. For example:

    To draw a line from (0, 0) to (6, 1):
    x, x, x, x, x, xy

    x, x, xy, x, x, x

    I hope I’ve been clear.

    Best regards, Mariano.


    In fact, I would use the equivalent expression:

    if(2*a[j].over >= maxsteps)

    which don’t use fractional numbers.

    You can found the derivation of the algorithm on:

    Regards, Mariano.


    The algorithm explained in details:

    Naive form (Use fractional numbers)

    e <- 0
    y <- y1
    m <- dy/dx

    for x <- x1 to x2 do
    plot(x, y)

    if (e + m) < 0.5
    e <- e + m
    y <- y + 1
    e <- e + m - 1

    Discrete form
    If we replace some expressions:

    (1) If condition
    e + m < 0.5
    e + dy/dx < 0.5 Multiply both side by the positive number dx
    dxe + dy < dx0.5 Multiply both side by 2 to remove the fractional 0.5
    2dxe + 2dy < dx

    e + m < 0.5 is equivalent to 2dxe + 2dy < dx

    (2) Error accumulated
    e <- e + m Replace m by its definition
    e <- e + dy/dx
    dxe <- dxe + dy

    e <- e + m is equivalent to dxe <- dxe + dy

    (3) Error updated
    e <- e + m – 1
    e <- e + dy/dx – 1
    dxe <- dxe + dy – dx

    e <- e + m – 1 is equivalent to dxe <- dxe + dy – dx

    Replace dxe by e’:

    If condition:
    2dxe + 2dy < dx
    2e’ + 2 dy < dx
    2(e’ + dy) < dx

    Error accumulated:
    e <- e + m
    e’ <- e' + dy

    Error updated:
    e <- e + m – 1
    e’ <- e' + dy – dx

    Error inicialization:
    e <- 0
    dxe <- 0
    e’ <- 0

    Updating (1), (2) and (3) on the algorithm:

    e' <- 0
    y <- y1

    for x <- x1 to x2 do
    plot(x, y)

    if (2(e' + dy) < dx) < 0.5
    e' <- e' + dy
    y <- y + 1
    e' <- e' + dy - dx

    Is equivalent to:

    e' <- 0
    y <- y1

    for x <- x1 to x2 do
    plot(x, y)

    e' <- e' + dy
    if (2e' < dx)
    (Do nothing e' was already updated.)
    y <- y + 1
    e' <- e' - dx

    Is equivalent to:

    e' <- 0
    y <- y1

    for x <- x1 to x2 do
    plot(x, y)

    e' <- e' + dy
    if (not (2e' < dx))
    y <- y + 1
    e' <- e' - dx

    Finally, is equivalent to:

    e' <- 0
    y <- y1

    for x <- x1 to x2 do
    plot(x, y)

    e' <- e' + dy
    if (2e' >= dx)
    y <- y + 1
    e' <- e' - dx

    Which looks like the one implemented on function line().


    yep. whole number math is much faster than fractional math, and with this algorithm is potentially more precise.

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