Error with foreign languages

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  • #11204

    I’ve tested Makelangelo 7.8 in my French Ubuntu and I cannot save the setting or change feed rate.
    For instance if I type in a 700mm paper size, the textbox automatically adjust the value to 700,0 (note the comma).
    When i click the ‘save’ buton Java pukes:
    Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “700,0”

    If I start Makelangelo with ‘LANG=”C” java -jar Makelangelo-7.8.0-with-dependencies.jar’ it starts in English, every thing works fine and 700 is adjust to 700.0 (not the dot)


    This is now github issue #209.

    I had a similar problem with a german, because the java code didn’t understand localized decimal point.

    I have uploaded a patch to github. Can you follow the steps to build a test copy and confirm if the patch works, please?


    Please let me know if the tester steps are confusing. I want it to be easy for you.


    Hi Dan,
    FYI I am no Java developer.
    Once that said, I faced the following issues:

    git clone OK
    git checkout dev OK

    ~/workspace/Makelangelo-software/script ~/workspace/Makelangelo-software
    ./script/bootstrap: line 6: source: callmavenwrapper: file not found

    So I tryed

    cd script
    ./bootstrap: line 5: pushd: script: No such file or directory
    ./bootstrap: line 6: source: callmavenwrapper: file not found

    I must have missed something or what ?


    please try

    cd script

    instead of

    cd script

    and post your results.

    ./callmavenwrapper: line 6: source: mvnw: file not found'
    So I changed mvnw to mvn in callmavenwrapper

    Error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher`

    maybe you can try from your side with
    LANG="fr_FR.UTF-8" java -jar Makelangelo-7.8.0-with-dependencies.jar


    I am trying this. Are you using a comma instead of a period?


    I have written a unit test that makes sure FR and US number formats work as expected. I won’t feel totally confident it works for you until you try it.


    Makelangelo-software contributor here.

    It helps me to understand the issue a lot better if a full stack trace is given.

    Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “700,0”

    Error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher

    Do not provide enough context for me to help.

    ./script/bootstrap was only tested on Mac OS X. It seems some more testing needs to be done for *nix distros like Ubuntu, and most likely Windows.

    If you already have Maven installed, and you are in the root directory of the checked out git project, try:

    cd java
    mvn clean package

    Also please post the output of running:

     mvn --version

    It is much easier to call the executable directly than use the bootstrap script abstraction. Clearly the bootstrap script is more trouble than it is worth in your environment at the moment.

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