can’t run GcodeSender!!

Shop Forum Everything Else can’t run GcodeSender!!

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  • #6047

    Ive been a CNC machinist for 25 years and have built a 4 axis machine recently. I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to the electronic portion of the project though. Right now I have an arduino uno with 2 v2 motor shields stacked, and 4 nema17 steppers. To my complete surprise I actually got the 4 axis cnc demo to work— I can enter gcode in the serial monitor through the ide and get them to move:) I was very happy at that point. Then I wanted to send entire gcode programs to it and tried all the gcode senders I could find to do it, but none would communicate. Then I stumbled upon the gcodesender you have here that is supposed to be specifically written for this setup— yay! Only problem is I cant get it to run. I may just be retarded though, so here are the steps I have taken:

    I went to this site:

    I downloaded the .zip file on the right hand side of the page.

    I unzipped it into my “downloads” folder (on win 8.1, btw)

    I navigate to the “java” folder

    I double click on the “GcodeSender.jar” file, which windows explorer lists as an executable jar file

    then…..nothing happens. I went to oracle and made sure I had the most recent version of java. I have no idea what I am doing wrong here. Did I download the correct thing? Am I doing something stupid? Am I supposed to have this in the arduino library like the cnc demo? I’m at a loss here, and really want to get this thing working. I’m pretty nooby when it comes to computers, especially this crazy win 8.1 crap, so please be gentle.


    I think I have it figured out, at least on XP. I wrote what I did here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4888&p=5834#p5834

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