Bigtreetech BTT SKR MINI E3 V1.2 board compatibility

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Bigtreetech BTT SKR MINI E3 V1.2 board compatibility

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  • #28024

    Hello all!
    I am very new to creating drawing robots. I just finished an “axidraw” corexy style machine and then was instantly wanting to make a polargraph after seeing one. I have it built and have done some tinkering. I really love the Makelangelo software and want to put it to work. I originally planned on using an Uno and adafruit driver shield but was having heat issues. I have an extra SKR MINI E3 board leftover from the other build and was wondering what it would take to run the makelangelo firmware on it. My ultimate goal is to get a large scale spray paint robot going.I really appreciate any help ! Thanks so much and be safe and well!


    I wrote out a step-by-step. Let me know if it helps?

    How to add a new PCB to Makelangelo firmware


    Awesome! Thank you so much. I am most of the way there now. Just a few questions and concerns. I think I have the pin configuration figured out but I’m feeling like my pins have weird names. I’m a total beginner here so I appreciate your patience. They aren’t just numbers according to the pin diagram of the board. example (just want to make sure I’m heading in the right direction and not doing something goofy)
    #define MOTOR_1_DIR_PIN (C5)
    #define MOTOR_1_STEP_PIN (B0)
    #define MOTOR_1_ENABLE_PIN (B1)
    #define MOTOR_1_LIMIT_SWITCH_PIN (C2)

    #define MOTOR_2_DIR_PIN (B2)
    #define MOTOR_2_STEP_PIN (B10)
    #define MOTOR_2_ENABLE_PIN (B11)
    #define MOTOR_2_LIMIT_SWITCH_PIN (C1)

    As far as the LCD portion of the board_ tab am I inputing the pins on the board that send or the pins on the LCD that receive? I’ve done a bunch of digging on this and can’t quite wrap my brain noodles around it. Once again thank you so much Dan!!!

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