Robot Overlord: uArm support grows

uFactory sent us the STL files for their uArm robot yesterday, and I was able to integrate the correct look and feel in the afternoon.

Also improved the lighting and made sure WASD+mouse can fly if the cursor is over the picture part of the app. Much easier to fly around the world.

I already have firmware that runs the uArm connected to RO. I have a uArm on my desk waiting for a new shoulder servo and then I will be making a video of the two working together.

Maybe now developers will start to get on board. BCN3D MOVEO? 7Bot Duo? Send me a robot so I can integrate your machine. Please tweet them and ask if their machine supports #robotOverlord for me, OK?

The 2500th Makelangelo robot was turned on in the last couple of days in Muscat, Oman. I missed it because it came 10 days earlier than anticipated. My day is so full I had to hire an assistant and HIS day is full.