
How to Draw an Arc with GCode

Gcode syntax

G02 will draw an arc clockwise in the XY plane.

G02 (X[value]) (Y[value]) (I[value]) (J[value]) (F[value]);

G03 will draw an arc counterclockwise in the XY plane.

G03 (X[value]) (Y[value]) (I[value]) (J[value]) (F[value]);

Optional parts (are in parenthesies). [value] should be replaced by a decimal number with optional exponent.

Gcode details

Arcs begin at the current tool position and end at (X,Y).

The circle of the arc has a center at (I,J).

F indicates the feed rate, the speed to draw the line.

If X or I are not included in the GCode command, the tool position X is used.
If Y or J are not included in the GCode command, the tool position Y is used.


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