Jisolve: Testing nozzle over IRC

The nozzle works, the pump works, and it all moves via IRC. The new nozzles from @Aidan Leitch solve an earlier problem with hard plastic nozzles that had no grip or compliance. Yay! Great video, Aidan!

Of course the source of most problems is other solutions. With this new nozzle I’m forced to design a new method to raise and lower the nozzle onto the pieces. This first draft

was a strong start. Sadly it let air leak in from several places and over time it started to slouch on one side. Later it occured to me that if the nozzle tries to pick up a piece attached to other pieces, it would probably pick them ALL up. So there needs to be some kind of ring around the nozzle that keeps other pieces on the table. Maybe also a software rule that says sideways movements are forbidden when the nozzle is down.