
Imagine a Live Video version of Google Earth

Imagine a live, 4k video version of Google Earth. The whole planet, all the time, live and to the minute. Speeding is now impossible, because traffic control is completely automated. Troop buildup and movement is monitored constantly, making surprise attacks very difficult to pull off. How does a major oil company control the story about their latest leak or explosion when everyone can watch the plumes spread as they happen? Even petty crimes become difficult.

Assuming (and it’s a big assumption) that the data isn’t being doctored. There’s no way to be certain anyone broadcasting data is telling the truth. If only we had a lot of individually controlled cameras all broadcasting a corroborating story. Oh, look! Project Tango. Hm.


Using an Occulus Rift to Train a Robot Arm

Researchers at John Hopkin’s University has been building innovative robot teaching systems using new technology. Here they use an Occulus Rift system to train the robot in a virtual environment.

Visit http://cirl.lcsr.jhu.edu/ivre for more information.


Automate your Phone App Testing with a Delta Robot

Testing is essential. Testing is repetitive and boring, so humans are bad at it. Automated testing is the way to go. But what do you do when your app is on a phone or a tablet? Someone has to sit there and tap every button… until now. See video


Three Arm Delta Robot v2 Now Open Hardware

3 arm delta robot v2

The Three Arm Delta Robot v2 was always open source, and today I’m delighted to announce that it is finally open hardware, too. That’s right! All the custom parts are on Thingiverse. You can 3D print the arm parts, laser cut the frame, add then an arduino and some servos and some threaded rod to build your own Delta Robot.

No time? Look through our selection of Delta Robots and find a best-fit for your needs.

Still not quite right? Use our handy calculator to design your own and then contact us! We’d be glad to help make your dream come true.