Robot Overlord: Making it easier to develop your own robot

To make RO easier for developers, I have published the API at

Next, the robots currently supported by RO will be moved to separate projects with their own github repositories.

A crucial feature here is keeping it easy for the end user, whom I assume (in a worst case) know nothing about computers. They shouldn’t have to modify the classpath or open a shell. I’d like it to be as easy as Arduino’s board support installer – pick from a list of plugins online, download on demand, and go.

Next, one or more tutorials will be made showing how to fork a repo, modify the robot type to your needs, and then publish your new plugin such that RO can find and install your plugin. Much easier than having to wade through the entire RO project and make a pull request.

After that I run out of ideas. Comment with your suggestions, please.

Here’s the latest robot I’ve added to RO: A new stewart platform.