
Introduction to LEDs 1

LEDs are awesome. Arduinos are awesome. Programming gives you the power to make LEDs and Arduinos do exactly what you want them to do. Programming, then, makes you more than awesome! Today, I’m going to show you how to wire up our 64-LED strings to an Arduino.

LED wiring 2

Jigsaw Robot 2: mounting brackets

mounting brackets

This shot was taken in Repetier-host, right after I “sliced” the 3d model into instructions for the 3d printer. This is a WYSIWYG view of the final product.

These four brackets will hold one of the linear actuators from the jigsaw robot onto the board I showed in an earlier post. I put a bracing side on it to it won’t flex in the wrong direction and a flange in the corner coz I hear that absorbs a lot of stress.

The car is also being reprinted because it was flimsy and didn’t hold well. Note the two holes in the center! they will be used to attach the Y axis to the X cars.

That’s all for now. Follow on instagram if you want to see up-to-the-minute pictures when the parts come off the printer.


Weekend fun

Tom and Kirk build a Makelangelo 2.5

Saturday I went to the Vancouver Hack Space for our Super Happy Hacker House, a reccuring all-night jam session for makers. Nothing like a good combination of libations and young minds to foster great ideas. (more…)