
A Big Day of Firsts!

Today is the first time I import product. UPS called and asked if I had a broker. I said “Yes.”
“Ok. Would you like the shipment number?”
It was that easy? I thought they’d try to talk me out of it or something. Wipes nervous sweat from brow. Now I need to get down to the airport and explain to them the situation. To whit:
I have no idea what I'm doing

Later today I’m also getting the final parts for another drawbot shipment and then I’m building a lightbox so I can start getting product photos into my shop. Zencart is hiddeous but it’s a start.

I’m really starting to grow into the role of businessman. Facilitating opportunities in a way where everybody wins while making money is ridiculously feel-good.

I’ll have another post later today with my experience at the CBSA.