Drawbot at the 2012 Seattle Mini Maker Fair

Seattle Mini Maker Faire was fantastic! I talked to over 2000 people, most of whom asked the same question: “How does it work? Magnets?”

Maybe at the next fair I should use colored string so people grok it. I stayed overnight at the famous Green Tortoise across from Pike’s Place Market and met all kids of interesting people.

For instance, I’ve been admiring this Delta robot (called ‘Rostock’) for a while now. Turns out I’ve known the creator for years, and he’s even couchsurfed with me! What a tiny, tiny world.

Have you ever seen the gear heart? Emmett redid it with the Colbert head, just for fun. He had a good time teasing me about how gently I treated his ABS creations.

finally, here is a gallery of other things that were drawn at the Seattle Maker Faire, mostly on Sunday.