
Drawbot G-Code Tutorial

When you first turn on the drawbot in Arduino, you should see text similar to this:

(-14.00,-30.00) - {14.00,21.50)
== DRAWBOT - 2012 Feb 28 - [email protected] ==
All commands end with a semi-colon.
HELP; - display this message
WHERE; - display current virtual coordinates
LIMITS; - display maximum distance plotter can move
DEMO; - draw a test pattern
TELEPORT [Xx.xx] [Yx.xx]; - move the virtual plotter.
As well as the following G-codes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code):

Let’s take a look at each of these commands and what they do in detail.


Type in this command and you’ll see the help message again.


When you first turn on the robot it assumes that it is at (0,0) and WHERE; would return exactly that.  If you moved X+10 and typed WHERE; again it would say (10,0).  X+ is to the right, Y+ is up just like on graphs you’d draw in class.


limits are the maximum distance the robot will move the plotter.  This

(-14.00,-30.00) - (14.00,21.50)

is the part of the message when you turn it on.  the first parenthesis are the bottom left corner, the second parenthesis are the top right corner, F is the “feed rate” (maximum speed) and A is the maximum acceleration.


You’ve seen the youtube drawbot video with the test pattern and halftones?  This is how you draw that test pattern.  It’s a great place to start to check if your steppers are backwards or your speeds are too high.  More on that in a future post.

TELEPORT [Xx.xx] [Yx.xx];

When you first turn on the robot it assumes that it is at (0,0).  Let’s say the actual position on the wall is (3,-5).  You need an easy way to correct this.  TELEPORT X3 Y-5; will tell the robot “no no, you’re actually over here.”  After that you could say G00 X0 Y0; and it would move to the actual (0,0).  If you don’t specify an X or Y, the current value will be used.

G00 [Xx.xx] [Yx.xx] [Fx.xx];

G01 [Xx.xx] [Yx.xx] [Fx.xx];

Draw a straight line from the current position to (X,Y) with a maximum speed of F.  If you don’t specify an X,Y, or F, the current value will used.

G02 [Xx.xx] [Yx.xx] [Fx.xx] [Ix.xx] [Jx.xx];

G03 [Xx.xx] [Yx.xx] [Fx.xx] [Ix.xx] [Jx.xx];

Draw a circular arc to from the starting point here to (X,Y).  The center of the circle is (I,J) away from the starting point.  G02 draws a clockwise arcs.  G03 draws a counter-clockwise arc.

G04 [Px.xx];

Dwell, aka wait P milliseconds.  Remember that you need 1000 milliseconds to pause for one second.


Programming in inches (in).  The robot works internally in centimeters (cm), so it will divide all coordinates you give it by 2.54 (cm/in).


Programming in millimeters (mm).  The robot works internally in centimeters (cm), so it will divide all coordinates you give it by 0.1 (cm/mm).  This is the default.


Absolute mode.  In this mode, a G00 X1 Y0; will move to (1,0).  This is the default.


Relative mode.  In this mode, a G00 X1 Y0; will move 1 cm to the right.