
Record Time for Order Fulfillment; 3D printing challenges; IndieGoGo; new pen holder; Skycam

Wow! Some days there is just too much news. I should split this into 5 separate postings but one of my news dissemination providers just changed their TOS and it means I can’t post as often as I’d like.

I’m setting new records for fastest order fulfillment! It makes me giggle. It’s almost ticklish, in a good way. Fastest order to fulfillment time is now 30 minutes, including the time it took to bike to the post office. I’ve got another one today, and that means I have only two Drawbots (or one skycam) left in stock. Better get that 3D printer going and restock ASAP.

Segues? We don’t need no segues! IndieGogo’s Robots for School campaign ended yesterday. Thank you to everyone who participated, shared, tweeted, linked, and so on. Those of you who contributed have been emailed a coupon code for the shop and a sneak peek at the next kit.

Alan, one of the local VHS members, bought a Drawbot from the shop (thankyouthankyouthankyou) and has been playing with Shapelock to design a better pen holder. Check this out!

Nice work Alan! Have you made some tweak to your drawbot the world should know about? Please share! I’m seriously considering a forum.

I’ve got FabLearn 2012 on my mind. I haven’t figured out how to save time to work on the next kit. I don’t remember the last time I felt like I was working on something fresh from the top of my dome, so to speak. More parts are due from Adafruit any day now and I’ve found a chinese supplier who can get me 12v2a power supplies for about 1/3 of what I’m paying right now.

Lastly, because I’ve been sitting on it forever and haven’t done anything… The Skycam code is now on github. I haven’t documented it yet. I hope it encourages you to buy a second Drawbot and do something cool, like build a room-sized machine that builds LEGO houses or something.